Child & Adolescent Services

“Our mission is to help people improve and maintain their mental health through research-supported methods of psychological assessment and treatment. We value inclusivity and respect the unique and diverse nature of individuals.”

We provide comprehensive psychological assessment and psychotherapy services for children and adolescents using up-to-date methods to clarify or diagnose the nature and severity of the presenting issues and to resolve those issues with evidence-based treatment plans.

Child & Adolescent Assessment Services

Psychological assessment services: (a) clarify the nature and severity of your child/adolescent’s presenting difficulties, and (b) facilitate the creation of an individualized evidence-based treatment plan to address those issues.

Child & Adolescent Treatment Services

Our Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) services involve the creation of an individually-tailored treatment plan that incorporates evidence-based strategies to help your child overcome their challenges and achieve their goals.

Take the next step and reach out today.

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